Saturday, January 25, 2014


Hey guys! I just thought I'd tell you why I haven't been posting. That's simple: School, family-related things, CP having too many blog posts, and I'm kind of sick. I'll try to be more on top of it. I'm having my good friend, RockStar ( to code me a blog, WAY, WAY, WAY better than this one! That's all I have to say.


Sunday, January 5, 2014

NEW BLOG POST: Vote on a name for Gary's puffle

By Polo Field on January 3, 2014 - 19:28 | 
Hello Penguins!
Guess what...
Gary the Gadget Guy is adopting his first ever puffle!
What do you think he should name it?
1. Archimedes (Archie)
2. Marsh
3. Darwin
4. Pi
Go to our Penguin Poll and cast your vote!
Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team

Thursday, January 2, 2014

NEW BLOG POST: Go Back in Time - Prehistoric Party Coming Soon!

By Polo Field on January 2, 2014 - 15:15 | 
Some of you may remember the Prehistoric Party from last year. Well, we dug it up, and are bringing it back! It's going to have tons new stuff to discover and some old favorites. So here's a sneak peek at some of the concept art for this party.
This party promises to be larger than life! What do you think? Leave a comment below.
Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team

NEW BLOG POST: The Best of 2013 Mashup Music Video

By Polo Field on January 2, 2014 - 12:47 | 
In celebration of 2013, here is a special Club Penguin music mashup video, featuring a year of memories. 
Here's to a great year in 2014... Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

NEW BLOG POST: Come On, Let's Do The "Chattabox" Conga!

By Chattabox on December 30, 2013 - 22:21 | 
G'Day Penguins!
Thank you so much to everyone who joined me last week to help collect coins and donate them to Coins for Change. We made some huge trains and collected thousands of coins. Check out the picture below where one of the trains collected 3595 coins – good job guys! 
So it's almost 2014 – how exciting. Let's have a celebration to bring in the New Year, I'm thinking a conga party! So come dressed in your favourite outfit from 2013 and we'll conga around Club Penguin island to celebrate the beginning of 2014 – it's going to be an AWESOME year in Club Penguin.
Lets meet in the Forest on the Down Under server at 4pm (East Australian Standard Time) on Thursday 2nd January, which will be 6pm for all of you in New Zealand. Don't forget, this is 9pm Penguin Standard Time on Wednesday 1st January for everyone over in the US and Canada.
Happy New Year Penguins! Waddle on!
- The Club Penguin Team

    Monday, December 30, 2013


    By Polo Field on December 30, 2013 - 14:14
    Wow Penguins!  You've worked together to donate over 23 billion coins through Coins For Change this year!
    We are SO amazed by your generosity that we are going to fund ADDITIONAL projects... over and above the projects you've unlocked!
    Thanks to you, we are now also able to:
    • Help save the home of the Lowland Tapir in Brazil through Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative
    • Fund a Group Home for homeless kids and a kindergarten for kids in foster care in Ethiopia through Partners in the Horn of Africa
    • Protect the home of the endangered Okapi in the Democratic Republic of Congo through Wildlife Conservation Network
    • Build 3 playgrounds for over 6,000 kids who had no place to play in Afghanistan through Playground Builders
    • Save the forest where the endangered Cotton Top Tamarin lives in Colombia through Wildlife Conservation Network
    Thanks again, Penguins – you have shown the world how everyone working together can make a huge difference!
    We'd love to hear from you – what charitable projects do you like to help in the real world?
    Waddle on!
    -Club Penguin Team

    New Blog Post: The Spoiler Alert - Best of 2013

    By Polo Field on December 30, 2013 - 12:47 |
    Greetings Penguins,
    What better way to end off an awesome year of Club Penguin than with some awards! We've got the first ever Spoiler Awards hosted by... well, we won't spoil that for you. ;)
    Here ya go:
    Happy New Year everyone and until next time...Waddle on!
    -Club Penguin Team